Employee mental health is a strategic business imperative.


84% of employees experienced at least one mental health challenge in the last 12 months.


With advanced technology, a robust provider network,  and empathetic Care Companions, Care Solace is transforming the way employees access, receive, and participate in mental health care. We eliminate the barriers and help employees get the care they need when they need it.

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Ensuring workplace mental health is the right thing to do for your employees.

19% of employees

rate their mental health as poor to fair.

57% of employees

say accessing mental health is not easy.

51% of employees

intend to stay with their employer when mental health benefits are offered.

74% of employees

are more likely to be satisfied with their employer and job if mental health is a priority.

Source: CBS News

I would highly recommend involving that key deliberate aspect of social emotional and mental well-being into strategic planning. Care Solace has been an absolute gift for us and helped us achieve our goals for staff.
Superintendent, Tempe AZ
When you need a therapist is really when it’s the hardest to try and find a therapist, you have the least emotional reserve to do the work needed to find someone. It’s a very daunting task. Care Solace will do the practical legwork for you!

Ensuring workplace mental health is the right thing to do for your business.

12 absent days

per employee per year due to struggles with mental health.


per day is the amount it costs a business for an employee absence.

53% of employees

are more likely to be productive when they have access to mental health care.

Source: CBS News

Care Solace brings a human touch to mental health care, calms the chaos, and provides a culturally-relevant, personalized, empathetic experience for every employee.


Care Companions™ guide employees, simplify the experience, and provide equitable access to care. By navigating the complexities of providers and payment options, Care Solace delivers dignity, eliminates stigmas, and helps employees find the care they need.


Connect with our Care Companions™

Our highly trained team is available at all times — including nights, weekends, and holidays — in 200+ languages to explain options and coordinate care.


Care Match™ Self-Service Tool

For an anonymous pathway to care, your employees can utilize Care Match, our self-service tool, to find verified providers on their own.


Data, Impacts & Outcomes

Our data scientists provide your team with aggregated analytics and insights to substantiate outcomes and share impacts.

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Mental health is very personal, private, and complex.


The mental health care ecosystem is outdated and ineffective. Providers, programs, and social services, paired with caregivers, employers, and community members, are all part of a complicated mental healthcare ecosystem that employees often struggle to navigate.


There is a shortage of 1.8 million therapists needed to effectively treat mental illness. The average wait time for a mental health visit is 21 days for adults and 7.5 weeks for children. Our Care Companions match employees with care and guide them through the complexity of providers and insurance.

Care Solace quickly matches your employees with a provider and finds an appointment in our network of over 425K therapists and specialists.

The Care Solace Provider Network

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Local Providers

Connecting your employees to top providers located where they live and work.

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Specialized Care

The provider network includes extensive specialization to meet employee needs, including language, ethnicity, age, gender, approach to care, and clinical speciality.

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Impactful Results

Providers are evaluated and scored based on outcomes and patient feedback.

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Robust Network of Care

Our network is constantly expanding with new providers, new locations and new specialties for your employees.

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Constantly Updated

Feedback from employees is used to update the provider profiles to help improve the matching and availability process.

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Quality Assured

Providers who fail to meet quality standards and service level agreements are removed from the network.

See how we help employers connect their employees to care.


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Connecting families to care nationwide



Support interactions


90% Positive Rating

From employees and their families


83 NPS Score

World-Class Net Promoter Score