Partner with Care Solace to help support equitable access to care.

Become a Verified Provider and receive referrals at no cost to you. 

Become a Verified Provider

Provider FAQ


Who is Care Solace?

Care Solace is a mental health and social services care coordination service on a mission. We contract directly with school districts and municipalities, then partner with 425K+ providers nationwide to ensure those in need can quickly find quality care matched to their unique needs, regardless of circumstances. Our curated matching services are offered at no cost to providers.

Provider Partner Benefits

Communities-two tone-1

New Right-Fit Clients

Unlock a consistent stream of ready-to-book clients seeking your specific offerings and insurance coverage.

Individuals Served-two tone

No Cost to You

Scale your client base at your desired pace, with no impact to your practice’s bottom line.

Support interactions-two tone

Join a Larger Mission

Connect with a clinical community dedicated to providing equitable access to care.

Existing Provider looking for info? Check out our FAQs


Provider FAQ

How does the process work?

Warm Hand-off-two tone

Step 1

Client submits request for care to our team of Care Companions.*                                                                                                                                            

Individuals Served-two tone

Step 2

Care Solace team reviews case needs, insurance requirements and searches for possible provider matches.

Support interactions-two tone

Step 3

Provider receives potential matches for review, approves/declines at their convenience.**                                                    

book appointment-two tone-1

Step 4

Client reaches out directly to provider to schedule appointment, with Care Solace team's support as needed.

*Clients can alternatively reach out directly to provider via Care Match website for their district/community. See Pathways to Care below.

**Communication is at a provider's preference and can be done via phone, email or a Provider Portal online anytime

Pathways to Care

Warm Handoff

Warm Handoff Referral Process

Our proprietary software allows mental health professionals in educational settings to submit referrals to our team.

Care Match

Care Match Self-Service Tool

Clients who prefer an anonymous pathway to care utilize Care Match to search for providers matched to their needs and contact them directly.

The Care Solace Story



Partner with Care Solace to grow your practice and further support your community.


  Become a Verified Provider   

Have questions? Feel free to reach out!


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