Meeting the Moment in Municipalities


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About the Panel

Municipality leaders discussed how civic leaders can drive dialogue on mental health support, the impact of youth-led initiatives, and the importance of collaboration.

Key Takeaways

  • Be empathetic. First understand what other people are going through with their own mental health. 

  • Broaden the definition of mental health providers. Identify individuals outside of licensed therapists who can help.

  • Triage and crisis centers are critical. It's important to find new ways to reimburse and fund them. 

  • Encourage Mayors to drive conversations around mental health. They have the ability to bring key players to the table.

  • Collaboration is key. Work alongside hospitals, law enforcement, social services, nonprofits, and other organizations to address issues.

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Our Panelists


Carol Luce

Carol Luce

Executive Advisor

Waterloo Youth City Council

Marshall Moncrief

Marshall Moncrief

Chief Executive Officer

Mind OC / Be Well OC

Precious Mayes

Precious Mayes

Chief Executive Officer

Pacifica Hospital

Quentin Hart

Quentin Hart


Waterloo, Iowa

Steve Shell

Steve Shell

Vice President

Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute

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